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  • Àlex Soliva Fò


The Capital of Christmas

Just after visiting the European Parliament in Strasbourg and while heading down towards Basel, I decide to stop in Colmar. I thought it would be a small stop to take some pictures, but as I enter the village, I discover that it has much more to offer than I expected. I don't follow any specific guide, I just get lost in the alleys and apply what the locals call flâner, a French word that in English would be more or less translated to walking aimlessly.

It is without a doubt the most beautiful and colourful village I visit on the entire route. I thought that after Strasbourg and Bern, as well as the rest of destinations, I couldn't be surprised by anything else, but Colmar is incredibly picturesque, I love it. In fact, it is said that the producers of the Disney classic: "Beauty and the Beast" were inspired by this town to make the film as beautiful as possible and I couldn't be less surprised.


Since it's morning and I haven't had breakfast yet, I order an éclair, a kind of French pastry, which was delicious. French pastry has no point of comparison with ours, everything is more than exquisite! Further on, I come across a covered market where I try once again the typical Alsatian Kugelhopf.

On the other hand, although it is in the middle of summer, the atmosphere is paradoxically very Christmassy. There are so many shops exclusively dedicated to this holiday, and moreover they are huge and beautiful. The village actually resembles a not-so-big Strasbourg but much more Christmassy and welcoming.


I would have loved to spend much longer in Colmar, but I have to head quickly towards Basel and there wouldn’t be actually much else to see either. The main attraction of the city are its beautiful streets, but once you have walked through them you are done, I could not recommend more however spending a whole day and not just two hours running like me, in order to discover and enjoy the city quietly; and just like Strasbourg or the Alsace region as a whole, coming during the Christmas season must be even more magical. Before leaving, I randomly stumble upon a statue of liberty that the town council decided to build at its entrance.



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